Trio Australia

What is a Wels Rating?

WELs (Water Efficiency Labelling and Standard) is a labelling scheme initiated by the Australian Government to help Australian households conserve water and money.

How many litres of water per minute are used by Interbath showers?

Refer to the WELS rating on the product packaging or catalogue for individual data.

Does the warranty on tapware include parts and labour?

Refer to Trio catalogue page IX or Trio website (link to Mildon Interbath Warranty here)

Do you need a licenced plumber to install a tap?

Yes, otherwise the manufacturer will not warrant the product.

Can Mildon towel rails be cut down to size?

Some can be. Please refer to our catalogue.

How does the replacement warranty on the Mildon and Interbath range work?

Refer to Trio catalogue page IX or Trio website (link to Mildon Interbath Warranty here)

Can I install my Interbath Tapware or Shower?

No. Only a fully licensed and qualified plumber can install our tapware and showers. Otherwise you will void the Warranty.

What are the Mixers constructed from?

Vesi Mixers are constructed from 304 grade stainless steel, and Kyvos is constructed from solid brass.

How are the Finishes done?

Electroplating. This is a process where the colour is fused with the metal by running an electric current through both materials. This causes the 2 materials to bond.

What is the Maximum Operating Pressure?

The maximum operating pressure of the tapware and Showers is 500KPA.

What if my pressure is greater than 500KPA?

You will need to have a pressure limiting valve on the incoming water line.

What is a Pressure Limiting Valve?

A pressure limiting valve is a device that takes high pressure water, and reduces it down to a set pressure limit. There are 2 different types:

  • Boundary Valve – as the name suggests, this is put on the boundary of your property (at the Water Meter) and reduces ALL water coming into the property.
  • Individual Valve – this is placed on the line running into a specific appliance/device. This allows you to protect the individual appliance/device without effecting the water pressure to other devices.

Can I remove the flow restrictor from my tapware or shower?

No. It is illegal to remove the restrictor from a WELS rated device or appliance.

Can the Wall Basin Mixer be used as a Bath Mixer?

It is not recommended as it is a restricted device. Your average bath tub at half full is approx. 90 litres, and the mixer is rated at 7.5 Litres per Minute. This is highly impractical as not only does it take a long time to fill the bath, but the water will be cold by the time you fill it. As has been advised by WELS, we can not put an unrestricted aerator onto this, as it contravenes federal WELS legislation.

What is the Warranty on Interbath?


  • 15 Years Cartridge
  • 2 Years Labour
  • 5 Years Finish


  • 7 Years Product Replacement
  • 5 Years Finish


  • 5 Year Replacement

What is the required Bench Thickness to install a Mixer?

This can vary from mixer to mixer, so we have printed it on the instruction sheets for the plumber to use as a guide when installing.

What does Lead Free mean?

All Brass has a certain content of lead. It is a vital component. Unfortunately, due to the fact that tapware – which has drinking water running through it – is usually made of brass, the federal government has past legislation that requires all tapware and anything that can carry or transport potable water to reduce the lead content in the brass. Whilst lead can’t be entirely eliminated from the brass, it can be reduced. The acceptable level agreed upon is a maximum of 2%. This task needs to be completed by January 2026. After this date, it will be illegal for any retailer to carry “lead in brass” tapware.

Do I need to have Isolation Taps attached?

Yes you do. If the mixer is installed without Isolation Taps, the Warranty will be Null & Void.

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