

Trio Group made significant progress towards the goal of becoming number one for customer satisfaction. A number of initiatives were rolled out for retail, OEM, industrial and architectural customers, providing innovative hardware solutions and improvements to customer experience.



A continued focus on developing a culture of trust and team spirit and embedding Trio Group’s behaviours has assisted with delivering strong people engagement and pride within the organization. Trio Group continues to achieve best-practice people engagement results. Trio Group believes that a focus on women in leadership is a leading indicator of broader diversity within the organization, and Trio Group is committed to ongoing training, mentoring and empowerment of our staff. We promote a healthy work/life balance which has a positive outcome for productivity. We are proud of our equal opportunity employer status.



Trio Group’s dedication and ongoing support to working with Australian and International communities, large and small, is demonstrated through many programs. Achievements included supporting and donating to local youth sporting clubs, World Vision sponsorship and the Heart Foundation. The biggest highlight being the visit and contribution to the Orthodox Missionary in Madagascar (Africa)- who Trio Group is continuing to support with donations of clothing, textiles, computers and monetary gifts. A web link to support our efforts can be found at



Trio has been working on a number of initiatives to reduce its carbon foot print. Trio Group has significantly reduced our carbon foot print by reviewing its packaging, operational and marketing material. New visual retail packs use 8-10% less plastic. Trio Group insist on only using recycled cardboard for packaging, the use of more skylights and natural light in the manufacturing and warehouse, which has meant commercial lights are only on for only 65-70% of the work day. Lastly, Trio Group has developed a five year plan to revegetate approximately 2 hectares of land surrounding its operating facility.



The safety of employees and visitors is a priority everyday at Trio. We are particularly proud of our safety record, which is a direct result of our commitment to the education of existing and new employees in safe operation and procedures. Safety in manufacturing, on the road and offices is a shared responsibility and all employees understand and appreciate the importance of adhering to documented safety procedures.