How do I know what size pneumatic tube I have?
It should be written on the side of the tube it will read something like 400-8 or 350-4 etc. If not on the tube it will be on the side of the tyre.
How do I identify the pneumatic wheel I have?
Read the numbers on the side of the tyre which will give you the wheel size, then measure the axle diameter. This will give you enough information to identify.
What is the difference between pneumatic and no-flat wheels?
A pneumatic wheel is one we need to pump up with air.
A no-flat wheel is full of polyurethane foam and doesn’t ever need pumping up.
Can I use a no-flat wheel for anything I want?
No. A no-flat wheel cannot have weight on them all the time or they will get a flat spot.
What is an offset hub?
The hub is the bearing housing. The offset hub is where the hub extends out of the wheel on one side further than the other. The offset can be different lengths on different wheels.
How much pressure should I put in my wheelbarrow wheel?
No more than 20 to 25psi. Some tyres from China will have 30 or 35psi written on them, this is for cold climates. If you put that pressure in a wheelbarrow or trolley wheel in Australia it could explode in the heat.
My wheelbarrow wheel exploded on the back of my Ute. What went wrong?
You put too much pressure in your wheel. You should put no more than 20 to 25psi in a wheelbarrow wheel in Australia. We have low temperatures of a night and high temperatures during the day which can cause your tube to explode when overinflated.
I bought a wheelbarrow wheel and it just doesn’t fit the axle. It nearly fits but just won’t go on.
You have most likely bought a wheel with a 25mm axle. A one-inch axle equals 25.4mm so it won’t fit.
All our bearing sizes are one inch.
How do I identify the furniture castors on my cabinet?
First you need to identify what kind fixing the castor has. It’s either a pintle, plate or bolt-on castor. Then measure the wheel, it will be 30mm, 40mm or 50mm. This gives you enough information to then identify.
Do your castors have weight ratings and how do I work out which to use?
Yes all our castors come with weight ratings on the packaging. You need to know what kind of weight you need to carry and how many castors you want to use, add weight rating of each castor together. The weight rating on the castors is for standing weight. Once you want to move your item the weight ratings will halve.
Do you have castors for office chairs?
Yes, there are two types you can find in the catalogue. They are called friction stem castors.
Do you have bed legs?
Yes. We have two types, one with 3/8 thread and one with 5/16 thread.
What is the difference between your premium and mid-range felt?
The premium felt has been pressed much harder and won’t compress as fast. It will also last longer.
Do you have a chair tip for walking canes?
Yes, there are two with different sizes. 19mm and 22mm. They are called crutch tips.